A New Years Letter to TCGOP Friends and Family from the TCGOP


Christmas has passed-by now and I hope you all had a wonderful, joyful time with your loved ones.

My hope for us as we enter the New Year, 2024, is to be thoughtful of others but firm in our views.

Please know that your words carry power and should be true, based on fact, and not innuendo; speak only after you have listened and understand the gravity of your words.

Let us be able to laugh or cry when it is  appropriate.

Help us to understand the views of those who think differently from us and engage in conversations, respectfully and not in an adversarial manner.

If you feel comfortable, impress on those around you to vote Biblically; this is an initiative we are starting in a small group with pins and T-shirts that will be available for you to order in February of 2024. Please ask about it.

We invite you to become more involved in this “NEW” chapter of our lives and help our  county, state and nation return to, and keep our Judeo-Christian values and become “VERY RED”, again.

Blessings to all,

Betsy Young

Chair Towns County Republican Party


We usually meet the 3rd Thursday of the month, but our January meeting will be the 4th Thursday of the       month, January 25th at the Towns County Civic Center. Please join us, all are invited; meeting starts at  5:45PM and is usually over by 7:10PM.
