Support Trump Nominees Petition
President Trump needs our support to have his cabinet and sub-cabinet nominee’s confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Sign the petition AND contact your senator to have his nominees confirmed: NC…
President Trump needs our support to have his cabinet and sub-cabinet nominee’s confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Sign the petition AND contact your senator to have his nominees confirmed: NC…
Thursday, March 21, 2024 at Main Street Grill in Hiawassee at 5:15 pm Post Views: 172
A New Years Letter to TCGOP Friends and Family from the TCGOP Christmas has passed-by now and I hope you all had a wonderful, joyful time with your loved…
We are excited about our upcoming Ugly Sweater Party Thursday, December 14 at our Towns County GOP office and we hope you will plan to attend; this will take the…
NEW LOCATION: Towns County Senior Center! We meet every third Thursday of the month, 954 Main Street N, Hiawassee, GA 30546 (across US-76 from Valero gas station) Doors opens at…
Drawing at the December 14th Christmas Party. Tickets only $10 and only 60 tickets will be sold, on sale at the TC GOP office. “Cordoba”, hard gig bag, strap, stand,…
The JOE GOTTA GO TOUR bus is in town! Why you shouldn’t vote for him if you are black. Text joegottago to 801801 to supprt the tour Post Views: 129